Getting Started

Welcome to CintraAI, your advanced coding assistant. We're thrilled to have you join us as an early adopter of our AI CodeGen technology. This guide will help you get started and make the most of our platform.

1. Sign In with GitHub

To begin, you'll need to sign in using your GitHub account:

  1. Visit the CintraAI application and click "Login with GitHub."
  2. You'll be redirected to GitHub to authorize the CintraAI App.
  3. Select which repositories you want to grant access to.

Important: As we're not yet SOC2 compliant, please use CintraAI only with public repositories or non-sensitive private projects. We prioritize your code's security and privacy.

2. Navigating the Main Page

After logging in, you'll land on the main page where you can access CintraAI's core features.

Main dashboard

After authenticating with GitHub you can view your profile at any time to see which repos are currently accessible by Cintra. You can easily change permissions at any time.

Account home

Assign Coding Tasks

Our primary function is to assign coding tasks to AI developers. These AI agents can complete tasks you describe or pull from issue trackers, making quality edits to your repo and submitting pull requests for your approval.

Work Items Queue

The work items queue is where you manage your coding tasks. Here, you can see work items that are done, in progress, or not yet started:

Work Item Queue
Task Creation

Importantly, the queue is also where you can assign coding tasks to AI agents. Here you can either connect your Jira account to import issues, or create ad hoc work items by clicking on the "+ icon.

When assigning coding tasks, you will be presented with a development request form:

Development Request Form

In the development request form, you will need to:

  • Describe what you want the coding agent to do. It helps to be as clear as possible, and mention specific file names, functions, etc. that need to change along with any preferences for implementation (e.g., specific libraries)
  • Select the appropriate GitHub repo and branch.
  • Click "Add to Queue" to assign it to the Queue.

Once the item is added to the queue, you will see it under “not started” items at the bottom.

New workitems

Work Item Execution

When starting a task, you have two options:

Execution Modes

One Click Execution

  • AI completes the task autonomously.
  • Best for simple, well-defined tasks.
  • You don't need to do anything once you hit start.
  • You'll be notified when the PR is ready for review.
One click execution

Guided Execution:

  • Collaborate with AI throughout the development process.
  • Provide feedback and clarification as needed.
  • Recommended for complex tasks or when you want more control.

Guided execution involves these steps:

1. Connect to Repo
  • The AI loads your codebase from GitHub.
  • Optionally updates documentation for outdated files.
  • Creates a new branch for the feature.
Connect to repo step

2. Clarify Request
  • AI analyzes your request and suggests improvements.
  • You can manually edit the request or use "Enhance with AI" for AI-assisted rewriting.
  • Review and approve the final request before proceeding.
Clarify request step (pre "enhance with AI")
Clarify request step (post AI-enhancement)

3. Create a Plan
  • AI develops an implementation plan.
  • Review the plan and provide feedback if necessary.
  • Approve the plan to move forward.
"Create a Plan" step

4. Implement Code
  • AI writes the code based on the approved plan.
  • You'll be notified when the pull request is ready.
"Implement code" step
Reviewing Pull Requests

Once a task is complete:

  1. The work item status changes to "Done" in the queue.
  2. Click "Ready for Review" to see the AI-generated pull request message.
  3. Follow the link to review the pull request on GitHub.
Work items ready for review

Note: In-app PR feedback is coming soon!

Docs coming soon...

Docs coming soon...

Integrating Jira Project Plans With Cintra

Integrating Jira with Cintra streamlines your team's workflow by allowing you to assign tickets directly to AI for completion. This process is straightforward and efficient. Here's how to set it up and use this feature:

Authenticating with Jira

  • In the Work Item Queue, look for the "Connect to Jira" button in the top right corner.
  • Click this button to initiate authentication with Atlassian.
  • Upon successful authentication, the button will change to "Assign Jira Issues to AI".

Successfully authenticated Jira account

Selecting Your Jira Project

  • Once authenticated, you'll be able to select your organization and specific project.
  • Use the dropdown menus to navigate to the desired project.

Selecting a Jira project

Viewing and Assigning Issues

  • After selecting a project, you'll see a list of available issues.
  • Each issue can be individually assigned to the AI for processing.
  • Note: Currently, assignments made in Cintra are not reflected back in Jira.

Example of issues that can be assigned to agents.

Managing AI Assignments

  • Review the list of issues carefully before assigning them to AI.
  • Consider the complexity and priority of each issue when deciding on AI assignment.
  • Start with simpler, well-defined tasks to familiarize yourself with the AI's capabilities.
  • Regularly review AI-completed tasks to ensure they meet your team's standards.
  • Use this feature to complement, not replace, your team's expertise.

By leveraging Jira integration with Cintra, you can significantly enhance your team's productivity, allowing human developers to focus on more complex, creative aspects of your projects while AI handles routine tasks.